Shit Talking Monster The Movie
Music by Norberto Gomez Jr for album ShitTalkingMonster(2009)
Video by Vanessa VanAlstyne
Music by Norberto Gomez Jr.
Louisville, KY Area Contemporary Artist
Shit Talking Monster The Movie
Music by Norberto Gomez Jr for album ShitTalkingMonster(2009)
Video by Vanessa VanAlstyne
Music by Norberto Gomez Jr.
Digital Video 2009
Vanessa VanAlstyne
Frebruary 2nd 2009:::video a day:::!!!—–…….
Digital Video 2009
Vanessa VanAlstyne
Inter.Sect Prompts. 2009
Video prompts as part of a group contribution.
Vanessa VanAlstyne
A bigger island for a chracter.
Second Life 2008
Vanessa VanAlstyne
This entire island was constructed as a dream world for my avator. I then invited friends to build and add to the island.
I’ll Wait For You
Experiments involing creating a digital world for a digital character and filming the character in that environment. Here the avatar waits to be seen and the world to be experinced.
Second Life, Digital Video, 2009
Vanessa VanAlstyne
I’m Like a Tiger,
I have a taste for you.
One Taste of You,
And I will never forget.
My Girlish Persuits,
In the wake of you,
Sense I have A Taste of You,
I Will Wait For You.
How could I ever forget?
Dates on Eights,
Digital Video 2008
Vanessa VanAlstyne
Sweater Monsters
Textile 2007
Sold or Destroyed
Textile 2006